Golf Courses & Country Clubs Insurance

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From club members sustaining bodily injuries while playing golf to staff suffering from an accident at the workplace - there are many risks that the golf course and country club businesses are exposed to, which can lead to a claim or a lawsuit.

Having a comprehensive golf course and country club insurance in place will safeguard your business from any financial liabilities that may arise in the event of an accident within the premises of your business.

Why Do Golf Courses & Country Clubs Need Insurance?

When running a business that involves dealing with customers and members, it is always recommended to take out insurance regardless of the type of business or service your company is selling.

In the case of golf courses and country clubs - the most basic risk is a member getting seriously injured while on the golf course - be it from an incoming golf ball or a flying golf stick that has slipped off one of your member’s hands.

If such an accident takes place and that leads to serious bodily injuries - the victim can file a lawsuit against your business and if they win - without insurance in place - your business will have to pay out of pocket for their medical bills, hospital fees, lost wages, and even compensation for the sustained injuries.

It’s also not uncommon for staff members to get an injury or fall sick while on the job. If they slip, trip, or fall, and end up breaking a leg - they can’t work, and to cover their medical bills, lost wages, and hospital fees - they can sue their employer and ask for compensation.

In other cases, depending on the state where the business operates - golf courses and country clubs are simply required by state law to have a certain level of coverage before they can operate and sell to the general public.

What Types of Insurance Do Golf Courses & Country Clubs Need?

The level of coverage your golf course or country club needs will depend on a number of factors including the size of your business, the state you operate out of, the number of employees your business has, and various other elements.

Please take a look below to find out the most recommended insurance policies for country clubs and golf courses.

How Much Does Insurance Cost For Golf Courses & Country Clubs?

The cost of your golf course and country club insurance will depend on a number of factors including the size of your business, the number of employees your business has, and more.

Generally speaking, the average golf course or country club in the United States pays around $150 per month or $1,800 per year on general liability insurance. This policy provides cover for claims and lawsuits that may arise in the event of third-party injuries or property damage.

Nearly every business in the U.S. that employs staff needs to provide all the essential cover for its employees. This is why worker’s compensation insurance is necessary. This type of insurance will cover your employee’s lost wages, medical and hospital fees, and other related costs in case they get injured or fall sick while on the job.

If your golf course or country club has golf buggies or any other type of commercial vehicle - then you’ll need to take out commercial auto insurance. This policy provides cover not only for your vehicles but also for any individual that may be involved in an accident with your company vehicles. This policy costs an average of $270 per month or $3,240 per year.

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