The Beginner's Guide to Bidding and Winning Public Jobs

A Complete Guide for Construction Contractors

Learn all you need to know about:

  • The process of bidding on public construction projects
  • Preparing a winning proposal
  • Project delivery methods
  • Construction surety bonds

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40 pages (30 min. read)
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What Can This Ebook Do For You?

Bidding and working on public construction projects can be a challenging task for someone who has never done it before. Even so, these projects offer some unique benefits for contractors which are well worth the effort. With this in mind, we created this ebook guide which covers the bidding process in its entirety. After reading it, you will be equipped with the knowledge you need to prepare and submit a winning bid. Good luck!

Chapter list

Introduction 4
I. Public construction bidding 7
Definition of construction bidding 7
How government agencies do business 7
The pros and cons of bidding on public construction projects 8
Stages of the construction tender process 9
Bid solicitation procedures 11
II. What influences the bid process 14
Project delivery method 14
Procurement method 18
Contract model 19
III. How to bid on public projects 22
Register through SAM 22
Learn about the GSA and bidding sites 25
Prepare a good proposal 28
IV. Surety bonds for bidding and construction 34
What is a surety bond? 34
What kind of bond do you need? 35
How much does a surety bond cost? 36
What you need to know about bond claims 37
Conclusion 39
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About JW Surety Bonds

JW Surety Bonds is the largest volume bond producer in the United States, with a focus on providing our clients low rates, an easy process, and the best in customer service. Working with JW Surety, you get the quality personalized service of a small company and the many advantages of working with the top writer of all types of surety bonds in the country.

JW Surety created this e-book to help potential customers successfully navigate the process of bidding and winning public construction projects. Do not hesitate to reach out for all surety-related questions your company may have.